Friday, March 22, 2013

Blogs Good or Bad

     Blogs, are they good or bad? Letting everyone one know your life, or trying to inspire others? I believe they are a good way to get your story out, to share your beliefs. Well that is what I am going to do with mine.
     Anyway, I was thinking about  how many people are out there are homeless and I have more than I need. Also how many babies are aborted everyday and those could be the people who we need to save this world. Or how women AND men are getting abused and how we have to lock our doors because you never know who would wanna steal want you have. Thousands of us are in debt and millions starving and homeless.
     Billion of people in this world in need of help but I am one person and you are one person, so what are we going to do? Well we could do what we have been doing, Nothing or we could find a way to help. Give money or volunteer some where like a animal shelter or the soup kitchen. Anything we do helps; helps us and helps others.